How to convert Excel to PDF

How to convert Excel to PDF

To convert excel to pdf different methods can be used as follows; Using PDF Maker Microsoft Office is an App that allows the use of add-ins such as PDF Maker once Adobe Acrobat is installed. The PDF Maker provides you with alternatives for converting an Excel file to a PDF. The following steps will help … Read more

How to Subtract On Excel

How to Subtract On Excel

Subtraction is among the four basic arithmetic operations that every individual should know. This knowledge is even equipped to primary school children, they are basically taught that for you to subtract one number from the other you use the minus sign (-). That's what we are going to apply in Excel. You can subtract a … Read more

How to Create a Table in Excel

How to Create a Table in Excel

MS Excel tables are containers for the data needed. They help in the neatness and organizing of data in a spreadsheet. In addition, they give information about the relationship of data in excel. We have different types of tables that is the general table and the pivot table. In a table we have different parts; … Read more

How to Count Characters in Excel

How to Count Characters in Excel

When you are in need of counting characters in excel, then use the LEN FUNCTION. This function will enable you to count letters, numbers, all spaces, and characters. To use this function, simply: Enter =LEN ( cell) in the formula bar and press Enter. Remember that, the cell is the cell you want to count, … Read more

How to add Zeros to the Left in Excel

How to add Zeros to the Left in Excel

If you try to enter some data like 0000365 into an Excel cell, you'll probably notice that Excel will automatically remove the leading zeros from any numbers. This can really be hectic if you want those leading zeros in your data and you do not know how to make Excel keep them. There are, however, … Read more

How to create a Pivot Table in Excel

How to create a Pivot Table in Excel

A pivot table is a table that is used to summarize your table into an easily understood table. To a new Excel user, creating a pivot table from your data may be challenging. Don't worry, because this article got you covered. We shall discuss how to create a pivot table from the scratch using simple … Read more

How to count cells with text in Excel

How to count cells with text in Excel

Excel has functions and formulas that make it possible for you to count the text cells within your worksheet. You can easily count cells with texts in excel using the COUNTIF function and the asterisk symbol (*). These excel formulas help you search your text cells based on specific criteria and in a defined range. … Read more

How to number rows in Excel

How to number rows in Excel

Excel has a lot of little tasks a user needs to do when working with spreadsheets. When you are equipped with the different ways of completing these tasks, it helps you complete your work on time and easily. You are also able to present a clean and understandable workbook. One such simple task is on … Read more