Excel how to unmerge cells and keep data in all the cells

Excel how to unmerge cells and keep data in all the cells

Merging is the process of combining data from the cells in an excel sheet. We often combine these data to make it whole and make it more meaningful and maximize space. The opposite of the same is to unmerge the data. This involves the process of re-doing the merge process. You obtain the single cells … Read more

How to switch x and y-axis in Excel

Excel how to switch x and y-axis

In excel sheets; we use graphs and charts to present data about different findings. The graphs and charts are graphical presentations and they both contain axes. An axis is an imaginary line through which a body rotates, a good example is a spherical object which revolves on its axis. It can also mean a fixed … Read more

How to sum a column based on another column in Excel

How to sum a column based on another column in Excel

Excel spreadsheets hold data from different findings. We can perform some arithmetic operations on such recorded data in the excel sheets. The operations are based on the type of data and how best we want them done. After collecting data from different areas, we record it and get the number of all the records. The … Read more

How to Sort Full Name by Last Name in Excel

How to Sort Full Name by Last Name in Excel

It is quite easy to sort a full name column with the first name. However, sometimes you may want to sort the full name column by the last name. How could you sort the full name by last name in Excel? This article brings you some tricky ways to help you sort full names column … Read more

How to sort by date in the pivot table in Excel

How to sort by date in the pivot table in Excel

There are a couple of ways to represent data in the excel sheets. You can use the rows and columns; you can use the tables and also the graphs. We represent data to make it more visible and clear to interpret. One of the tables used is the pivot table. A pivot table is just … Read more

How to shade every second row in Excel

How to shade every second row in Excel

Rows in the excel sheet hold information in lines moving from the left of the sheet to the right of the sheet. The information in the rows can be related in one way or the other. By the physical appearance, you can tell what a certain row contains without having to be keen. In cases … Read more

How to separate the first and the last name in Excel

How to separate the first and the last name in Excel

The excel spreadsheet can be used as a text editor and also as a data representation tool. As a text editor, the excel spreadsheet provides users with a platform to insert and hold their text contents. The other function of data representation, excel can help the users display the inserted data in either tabular form … Read more

How to remove table formatting in Excel

How to remove table formatting in Excel

Excel uses tables to display and present data of certain findings. Tables present data in rows and columns but make it more clear and visible to interpret. The data to be displayed in the table is first in the form of excel rows and columns that is the default mode in all excel sheets. The … Read more

How to pull data from another sheet based on criteria in Excel

How to pull data from another sheet based on criteria in Excel

When working with excel sheets, you may have similar data that you are working with and which are in different excel sheets. Such data can be pulled from one of the sheets to another. This will save time taken to write data in the columns or rows again. To pull data from one excel sheet … Read more

How to number rows consecutively in Excel

How to number rows consecutively in Excel

Numbering is the process of allocating numeral values to objects, items, and any property to get the value of the items in figures. Numbering is vital in all aspects of life, once we do numbering in Excel sheets; the data becomes clearer to understand and also helps the viewer avoid unnecessary repetition of data. In … Read more