In excel sheets; we use graphs and charts to present data about different findings. The graphs and charts are graphical presentations and they both contain axes. An axis is an imaginary line through which a body rotates, a good example is a spherical object which revolves on its axis. It can also mean a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates or even can mean a straight central part to which other parts are connected. There are two major types of axes; x-axis and y-axis.
The X-axis is usually horizontal running from left to right whereas, on the other hand, the y-axis is vertical running from top to bottom. The x and y-axis together meet at a point known as the origin. Axes in excel sheets help represent data in a more clear and elaborate format understandable to viewers or the data analysts. The axes are customizable and can be switched or swapped whenever you need to do so. The steps to switch the x and y-axis are discussed below.
Step 1
Open a blank excel sheet from your computer and record some general data in the sheet. Highlight the recorded data and click on the insert menu. Select the scatter option. A scatter graph will appear shortly with the values you recorded earlier in the x and y-axis. You should have something like this.
Step 2
In this step, we are going to switch the axes that are the x-axis values to appear on the y-axis and vice-versa. To do so, right-click on any axes and then chooses the option select data. A window of more other options will appear, in that window, choose edit. Copy the values in the x-axis and paste them in the y-axis and those of the y-axis in the x-axis. The axes will be switched once you press the ok button.