How to number rows in Excel

How to number rows in Excel

Excel has a lot of little tasks a user needs to do when working with spreadsheets. When you are equipped with the different ways of completing these tasks, it helps you complete your work on time and easily. You are also able to present a clean and understandable workbook. One such simple task is on … Read more

How to transpose in Excel

How to transpose in Excel

What is transpose function? Transpose function is a function used in excel to convert a vertical range of cells to horizontal or convert the horizontal range of cells to a vertical range of cells. What the transpose function does is flip the orientation of the cells. The first row becomes the first column, the second … Read more

How to convert days between dates in Excel

How to convert days between dates in Excel

For any excel user, it is easier to know and convert the number of days between dates. You can use the DATE IF function in excel or go the simplest way of subtracting the two dates. Let's look at how to go about this using the following methods. Using subtraction function to find the days … Read more

How to count unique values in Excel

How to count unique values in Excel

In large excel datasets, you may come across duplicate and unique values. You may want to know how many unique values you are working with. Unique values are those values that appear only once in a list. These values have no duplicates. For example, in a list that has the names; Tom, Dick, Harry, and … Read more

How to Install Excel 2019

How to Install Excel 2019

This spreadsheet was developed by Microsoft. It is an upgraded modification of Excel 2016. Windows Excel is part of Microsoft 365 which was once known as Office 365. It has a client communication program that is very effective and comes in handy for data analysis and documentation. It also has a feasible function system that … Read more

How to delete duplicates in Excel

How to delete duplicates in Excel

Duplicate values usually occur when the same values or a set of values appear in your excel worksheet data. Therefore, duplicated data is somehow common in excel worksheets. At times it may be useful. Sometimes it may prove unnecessary as it may make it harder for other users to understand it. Most times, having duplicate … Read more

How to install Excel on Mac

How to install Excel on Mac

All Microsoft applications, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc., were specifically created for Windows users. However, due to their popularity, even the Mac users were attracted to use them. To satisfy its growing market, Microsoft introduced Excel for Mac. Let learn how to install Excel on your Mac device. 1. Download the Office file Using Safari or … Read more

How to change uppercase to lowercase in Excel

How to change uppercase to lowercase in Excel

When entering your information into the Excel cells you may realize you've used capital letters instead of small letters, Excel allows you to change these uppercased letters to lower-case letters. Unlike other text editors which have a direct way of converting uppercase to lowercases, in Excel things are different as some workarounds are involved in … Read more