VLOOKUP with multiple criteria without a helper column

VLOOKUP with multiple criteria without a helper column

The layout and the type of task to be performed is the key to how to execute tasks. Helper columns are essential when handling large groups of data because they separate or differentiate the results from the raw data. In the previous example, helper columns can be used to simplify the workload. In other cases, … Read more

VLOOKUP return multiple values in one cell separated by a comma

VLOOKUP return multiple values in one cell separated by a comma

The layout of this type of presentation becomes different. In this case, it is used where more options are related hence they could be merged into one cell making the work look easier to interpret and understand. It solves multiple values whereby they can be combined in a single endless cell. The use of the … Read more

How to freeze top row and first column at the same time in Excel

How to freeze top row and first column at the same time in Excel

It is important to note that it is only possible to freeze top rows and columns of an excel worksheet from the top left, one cannot freeze rows and columns from the middle of a worksheet. Freezing rows and columns make the area visible as one scrolls down or to another area of a worksheet. … Read more

How to sum a column based on another column in Excel

How to sum a column based on another column in Excel

Excel spreadsheets hold data from different findings. We can perform some arithmetic operations on such recorded data in the excel sheets. The operations are based on the type of data and how best we want them done. After collecting data from different areas, we record it and get the number of all the records. The … Read more

How to lock columns when scrolling in Excel

How to lock columns when scrolling in Excel

In excel when scrolling, you go through the rows moving either downwards or upwards. During the process of scrolling, you leave a row and head to the other. In that scrolling is dynamic to the visibility of rows. In some cases, you may wish to compare a row inline 10 with a row inline 40. … Read more

How to use VLOOKUP to compare two columns in different sheets in excel

How to use VLOOKUP to compare two columns in different sheets in excel

The data values we record in the excel sheets can be related in one way or the other. We can have data in one excel file that resembles another record in a different excel sheet. We can also have one excel sheet giving more information about the other excel sheet. These excel sheets are linked … Read more