VLOOKUP with multiple criteria without a helper column

VLOOKUP with multiple criteria without a helper column

The layout and the type of task to be performed is the key to how to execute tasks. Helper columns are essential when handling large groups of data because they separate or differentiate the results from the raw data. In the previous example, helper columns can be used to simplify the workload. In other cases, … Read more

VLOOKUP return multiple values in one cell separated by a comma

VLOOKUP return multiple values in one cell separated by a comma

The layout of this type of presentation becomes different. In this case, it is used where more options are related hence they could be merged into one cell making the work look easier to interpret and understand. It solves multiple values whereby they can be combined in a single endless cell. The use of the … Read more

VLOOKUP partial match last five characters

VLOOKUP partial match last five characters

Writing content will involve in all aspects the use of multiple letters or words with the same meaning. These matches are no offense to be there in the content that you are writing because it is common and it will keep on happening. The same case of having multiple matches happens also when we are … Read more

How to highlight Excel duplicates in different colors

How to highlight Excel duplicates in different colors

It is easy to highlight duplicates in an excel worksheet using the same color by use of conditional formatting, additionally, we can use different colors for every highlight in the same column to make them easily noticeable while working on an excel worksheet. Below are the steps and how to highlight using different colors: 1. … Read more

How to hide rows based on the cell value in excel

How to hide rows based on the cell value in excel

It is possible to hide rows based on the cell value in columns and they will not be visible in your work depending on the criteria you choose to apply, either great then, small then, or even equal to respectively. For instance, you can choose to hide rows with a cell value below 100, like … Read more

How to freeze top row and first column at the same time in Excel

How to freeze top row and first column at the same time in Excel

It is important to note that it is only possible to freeze top rows and columns of an excel worksheet from the top left, one cannot freeze rows and columns from the middle of a worksheet. Freezing rows and columns make the area visible as one scrolls down or to another area of a worksheet. … Read more

Filling a certain number of rows in Excel automatically

Filling a certain number of rows in Excel automatically

There is an easy way of filling numbers in a row avoiding the manual way of filling which can be tendinous and tiresome or even cause an error of skipping an empty cell without numbering it. Below are some of the ways in which one can fill a row automatically. 1. Select the row that … Read more

Complete Guide on Excel Formulas and Functions for Dummies

Complete Guide on Excel Formulas and Functions for Dummies

Having the basic knowledge of excel formulas and functions is important for beginners in the journey of becoming good data analysts and or financial analysts in the future. Excel is used mostly for data processing, financial projections, financial analysis, data modeling, and presentations. Excel is an incredibly important Microsoft for the window for its features … Read more

Excel VLOOKUP same value repeated

Excel VLOOKUP same value repeated

In our daily activities, things tend to be similar to those with who we workaround. In a case where employees who perform the same task are being paid the same salary is expects then how does one know the number, paid, unpaid, functional, and nonfunctional employees in the firm? Having the same salary means the … Read more