How to link another worksheet in Excel

How to link another worksheet in Excel

We usually link another worksheet in Excel by using Hyperlinks. These internal links in Excel help you to quickly jump to the necessary parts of the workbook without having to scroll through multiple worksheets. Excel also makes it easier to do external links by linking one worksheet to cells in another worksheet of a different … Read more

How to zoom a worksheet in Excel

How to zoom a worksheet in Excel

In default, the cells present in the worksheet are of medium size. However, different Excel users have different tastes in the size of cells. That is some prefer large cells whereas some go for small cells. Thankfully, Excel got all its users covered as it allows them to either zoom in or out. Several ways … Read more

How to pull data from another sheet based on criteria in Excel

How to pull data from another sheet based on criteria in Excel

When working with excel sheets, you may have similar data that you are working with and which are in different excel sheets. Such data can be pulled from one of the sheets to another. This will save time taken to write data in the columns or rows again. To pull data from one excel sheet … Read more

How to pull data from another sheet based on criteria in excel

How to pull data from another sheet based on criteria in excel

It is possible to extract data from one worksheet to a different one in excel, through the use of advanced filters. You do not need to retype data from one sheet to another while working with different worksheets in excel, the use of advanced filters makes the hustle of moving data in different cells from … Read more